Sunday 1 March 2015

Pigpen Answer!

The answer to my previous post was ...... X MARKS THE SPOT

detective coding

De-cipher this message
The Pigpen code, also known as the Freemason's or Rosicrician cipher, was first used during the 18th century by Freemasons in order for them to communicate with their private messages. As you can see, the alphabet is represented by a series of grids. Let's see if you can figure this code out. The answer will be posted on my next blog. Good luck fellow bloggers!   


Jefferson Hope's Story

Jefferson Hope

    I, Jefferson Hope, confess that I have killed Enoch Drebber of Salt Lake City, Utah.

    It all happened about twenty-one years ago. I was driving some cattle from the Nevada mountains to Salt Lake City. Suddenly, along the road that I was travelling on, a beautiful lady was in great help with her hoarse. As I rushed to attend her need, it was at that moment where I had first met the love of my life, Lucy Ferrier, the daughter of John Ferrier. After that day, I made sure that I would constantly visit her to her place, but one day I had to leave my love for an obligation of mine. I promised Lucy that we would only part for a few months and that we would be wed as soon as I come back. However, while I was away I received shocking news that Lucy was to be married to a Mormon. This was all because of the Mormon commandments that she must follow. The Mormon elder had forbid her request in marrying a Gentile. I rushed back to Salt Lake City on my hoarse and barely made it in time to flee Lucy and John from their community. Only for a while, had my mission in escaping from the Mormons worked. Our provisions were running out quicker then I was expecting so I decided to go hunting for some food. It took me some time to get back to Lucy and John, as I got myself lost through my way. When I returned Lucy and John had disappeared. I tried to looking for them but they were nowhere to be found, until I found something that made me figure that the Mormons had killed John and Kidnapped Lucy. Graved on the ground was a mark that read "John Ferrier, formerly of Salt Lake City, Died August 4th.". I continued my way down the road uneasily, trying to figure out a way to take revenge for separating Lucy and I.

   As I slowly walked down the road, I met a Mormon (Cowper is a mutual friend of mine) who told my what had happened with John and Lucy. Lucy had recently been married to Enoch Drebber. With hatred and sorrow I went to where she was, where I could do nothing but watch as she died from a broken heart. As Drebber's other wives were preparing for Lucy's funeral I snuck in and took her wedding ring, and with one last cry, kissed her forehead in goodbye. I was completely filled with anger and desperately wanted revenge, that I attempted to murder Drebber and Strangerson. I promised myself I would not stop until they both pay for what they have done to Lucy and her father. I followed them through America, all the way to Europe. Finally, they both settled in London and I was needing a job to make a living, so I got the job as a taxi driver. It was hard for me to adjust to this type of living but I had to make sure that I would success in my mission.

   The first attempt I had was when I tracked them down at a boarding house located in Camberwell, however, It was not possible for me to succeed since they would always stay together. One night, a different taxi cab picked Drebber and Strangerson and brought them to the train station. As they were left at the station I over heard that they would be separating. This was my chance in taking my revenge. What I had with me was a key that opened one of the doors on Brixton Road. The room that the door led from was an abandoned room that was perfect setting for my crime. Right as I found the destination for my murder scene, I waited for Drebber and saw him walking out from a bar where he looked intoxicated. Trying to returned to the boarding house, he was not able to keep his balance and constantly tumbled to his side, which gave me the perfect time to approach him. I brought him to my cab and drove him to the house on Brixton Road. With two bills that I had, one containing poison and the other nothing, I gave Drebber the opportunity to choice which pill to take. I offered this decision to the Lord in determining who would live and die. I'm my luck, Drebber was struck with poison and it was time for me to make my next move. Suddenly, right after I had taken the pill, my nose started to bleed. I wanted to confuses the police men off by writing RACHE, which meant revenge in German, on the wall with my blood. I felt successful with my kill, that I left the house without noticing that I had accidentally left Lucy's ring. I tried to retrieve the ring back but as I got to the house there were already police men there. In order to get the ring I decided to pretended and be drunk, which thankfully managed in getting away. After a few days, I was at the hotel where Strangerson was staying at, and found myself in his room. I attempted in using the pills once more, however Strangerson tried to attack me. I had no choice but to stab him, and that was how Strangerson's life ended.

   After the deaths of Drebber and Strangerson, I continued working as a taxi driver. One day a little boy told me that Mr. Sherlock Holmes had asked for a taxi cab at 221B Baker Street. As I got to his room to assist him with his bags, Sherlock got hold of my arms and arrested me. They brought me to the police station and there I told my story in why I had murdered Drebber and Strangerson.

   I confess that what I had did was insane, however it is one thing that I will never regret. I have solemnly performed their deaths out of love. I can see from the viewpoint of the public that the cases were evidently murders. But soon they will realize that they too can and will do anything for love.

Friday 27 February 2015

Mormons and Brigham Young


1. What/who are the Mormons?
    Mormons are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They believe in that their church Is the same as the original church Jesus established when He was on the earth, and they believe in the bible and in Jesus' teachings in revelations to modern-day Apostles and Prophets.

2.Who is Joseph Smith and why is he important to the Mormons?
    During the existence of the "Burned Over District" in the early 1800's, Joseph Smith was born. Him and his large family was extremely overwhelmed with the confusion of which religious group to join. However, in the age of fourteen, Joseph's trust in Jesus Christ was pure and he would ask God for guidance during his frustration. This was the beginning of the Mormon community. Through seeking the truth and praying to God  he was chosen to lead Christ's Church and restore priesthood, and with this new task Joseph established Mormonism. 

3. Who is Brigham Young and why is he important to the Mormons?
   In 1830, Young was inspired and drawn towards the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after his encounter with the Book of Mormons. Since then Young converted into a Mormon and served the community along side Joseph Smith. Young carried the Mormon message throughout many different cities converting hundreds of people ( including his family) and was able to protect Mormons by hostile gentile threats during the year of 1834. Because of his hard work and dedication towards Mormonism, he became the President of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. 

4. What are some of the rules of the Mormons Community?
    Mormons do not use the word "rules" within their Church,but instead they classify them as "commandments". Mormons are restricted in drinking alcohol, caffeine, coffee and tea. They are also not allowed to smoke and take tobacco. 

5. What is a plural marriage? Are they legal in Canada?
   Plural marriage, or Polygamy, is when men are married to several women. This concept was an important teaching towards the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for more than half a century, and has began its teachings in the time of Joseph Smith, however, it was well know during Brigham Young's discovery. This issue is illegal in Canada.

6. John Ferrier agreed to follow the Mormons rules when he was saved and he did, but in the chapter "John Ferrier talks with the Prophet", now disagrees with their wishes for Lucy,
What are your thougths about his reversal? is he justified? Is a scared promise exactly that?
   While John Ferrier and his daughter Lucy Ferrier began living their lives under the society of Mormonism, it was only reasoned for the purpose of saving their own lives. Whether the reason maybe selfish and disowning towards the Mormons, it was during a situation of life and death. When Lucy was at the right age of getting married the Mormons forced her into marring a man with multiple wives. John refused the Mormons request on Lucy's polygamous marriage, especially since Lucy was already in love with a Gentile. I believe that John Ferrier is justified with his reversal of faith. One would turn into any religion in a time of desperation for their own life. Him and his daughter were in the midst dying and would agree to any deal to save their lives.

7. How is/was polygamy acceptable in some societies, and why is it banned in Canada?
  In some societies/countries polygamy is permitted, however within certain exceptions. Islam takes part in multiple societies/countries where polygamy is practiced. In Islamic polygamy, it directs the issues of prostitution and extramarital affairs, in the idea that men can fully take their obligation as a husband towards their wives in treating them justly within a marriage. However, this practice is illegal in Canada because it is reasoned to be a form of human rights abuse, especially towards women.
8. A "norm" is a principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide control, or regulate proper and acceptable behaviour. What are some norms in your culture/family?
  In my family, dinner time is when most of our norms take place. During dinner, no one is allowed to place/bring any cell phones or any electronic devices with them on the table. Also, it is a norm for all of us to eat dinner as a family, since we barely eat dinner alone. Finally, we must always pray together before dinner is served, this is our number one norm that must be followed before every meal.

9. Lucy is nicknamed the "Flower of Utah"; however that nickname leads to trouble for her. Explain. What is Lucy's dilemma? How do you feel about her situation?
   In the mysterious novel "A Study In Scarlet", Lucy Ferrier was given the beautiful nickname the "Flower of Utah", however this name was a contradiction towards her problems faced within the Mormonism society. Flower of Utah gives a first impression of beauty, style, rareness and elegances which is what Lucy represents. Despite all the wonderful connections made with her nickname, Lucy still being treated like a true flower, A simply object from the ground. Lucy was mistreated in the issues of freedom will. She was forced in plural marriage.
10. There are no other women on this story, other than Lucy. How does her fate suggest how women probably treated on the community (in the story)? Doyle alludes to possible kidnapping of other women outside of the community in order to make them Mormon wives. How does Doyle portray the Mormon community?
   The fact the Lucy is the only women introduced in this novel, gives the assumption that all women were treated the same way as Lucy, unjust and disrespectful. Since women were not given freedom of will within the Mormon society, it creates an atmosphere of uninterest and boredom because they all possess the same life style. Where as, men are given more freedom which is more captivating to read about. Doyle portraits the Mormon community in a way that explains the situations of polygamy and their acceptance towards marrying more women.


Tuesday 24 February 2015

sherlock holmes ad


sherlock holmes masonary

Masonry Research

1. What is Masonry? Who were the Masons?
Most people believe that Masonry is a certain type of religion practiced today, however it is not. Masonry is a secular fraternal society that was created under the Grand Lodge of Scotland. In this society a group of individuals, who are known as Freemasons, have high tensions for moral and spiritual values. They are believers in the Supreme Being of one another, that is, men from all races and religions should be fully accepted with the encouragement of following there own faith. Freemasonry has evolved greatly throughout the world that even well known figures, such as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are apart of the Masonry society.     

2.Describe the history of the Masons
Theories of Masons, who refer to themselves as Freemasons, are known to have been originated at the time of the building of King Solomon's temple by a group of construction builders. The first appearance of the modern Masons occurred in London where the first Grand Lodge of Scotland was created in 1717.

3. Identify the key features of Masonry
Throughout many years, Freemasons have set their practices towards three great principals that most be followed; Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
A true Freemason shows respect towards ones opinions and behaviours with love and understanding. This is Brotherly Love. 
Relief is the teaching to practice charity and to care, not only for their owns needs, but also for the needs of others. They should help being charitable and should also volunteer and work.
Truth is what Freemasons strive for. In aiming to achieve one owns high moral standards within their own lives.

4/5. What connections can you make between Brigham Young, Drebber, Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle and Masonry?
Brigham Young and Drebber are both ironic to the fact that they have been Freemasons. In the story, Young and Drebber's behaviour towards, for examples John and Lucy Ferrier, oppose the three great principals of a Mason. However, although Sherlock does not have many connections with Masonry, the writer, Arthur Doyle has been a Freemason. He was a spiritual man who also dominantly used references of Masonry in his work.


Thursday 5 February 2015

The Six key Elements Of Fictional Detective

1. The detective must be memorable
    ~Fictional detectives are stereotypically characterized as clever and a bit out of the ordinary. They set themselves apart from everybody else, with some extraordinary talent, habit, mannerism, interest or eccentricity. 

2. The crime must be significant
    ~Usually, the detective novel is constructed around a murder or a great mystery that the detective ( and the reader) must solve throughout the novel.

3.The criminal must be a worthy opponent
    ~In real life, most crimes are committed by ordinary, everyday, sometimes dull and stupid people. However in fictional detective novels the crimes are usually unrealistic for an everyday crime. Since the detective is extraordinary, then the crime must also be extraordinary.

4. All the suspects, including the criminal, must be presented early in the story
    ~The reader must be able to safely assume that the perpetrator of the crime is one of the main characters in the story, not someone whom the author is going to slip in one the unsuspecting reader in the next-to-the-last chapter.

5. All clues discovered by the detective must be made available to the reader.
    ~The reader must be given the same opportunity to solve the crime as the detective This means that the reader must be given the same evidence at the same time with the

6. The solution must appear logical and obvious when the detective explains how the crime was solved. 
    ~In the end, the reader must see how all the evidence and clues fit together.