Tuesday 24 February 2015

sherlock holmes masonary

Masonry Research

1. What is Masonry? Who were the Masons?
Most people believe that Masonry is a certain type of religion practiced today, however it is not. Masonry is a secular fraternal society that was created under the Grand Lodge of Scotland. In this society a group of individuals, who are known as Freemasons, have high tensions for moral and spiritual values. They are believers in the Supreme Being of one another, that is, men from all races and religions should be fully accepted with the encouragement of following there own faith. Freemasonry has evolved greatly throughout the world that even well known figures, such as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are apart of the Masonry society.     

2.Describe the history of the Masons
Theories of Masons, who refer to themselves as Freemasons, are known to have been originated at the time of the building of King Solomon's temple by a group of construction builders. The first appearance of the modern Masons occurred in London where the first Grand Lodge of Scotland was created in 1717.

3. Identify the key features of Masonry
Throughout many years, Freemasons have set their practices towards three great principals that most be followed; Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
A true Freemason shows respect towards ones opinions and behaviours with love and understanding. This is Brotherly Love. 
Relief is the teaching to practice charity and to care, not only for their owns needs, but also for the needs of others. They should help being charitable and should also volunteer and work.
Truth is what Freemasons strive for. In aiming to achieve one owns high moral standards within their own lives.

4/5. What connections can you make between Brigham Young, Drebber, Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle and Masonry?
Brigham Young and Drebber are both ironic to the fact that they have been Freemasons. In the story, Young and Drebber's behaviour towards, for examples John and Lucy Ferrier, oppose the three great principals of a Mason. However, although Sherlock does not have many connections with Masonry, the writer, Arthur Doyle has been a Freemason. He was a spiritual man who also dominantly used references of Masonry in his work.



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